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Photo courtesy of Holly Jones

Photo courtesy of Chris Peterson
Volunteer at an upcoming Utah wildlife event
We've got events coming up and we are looking for Utahns who want to volunteer to help kids (and adults) make art, tell wildlife stories an
Get involved in citizen science with the Natural History Museum of Utah
Document your Utah wildlife experiences and help scientists studying all kinds of species across the state.

Help bring a Wildlife Wall & celebration event to your county
We are looking to connect with Utahns across the state who value Utah wildlife. If you want to help us bring a mural and/or event to your area, we'd love to get you involved.
Find out about opportunities to get involved in the conservation of Utah's raptor community.
Go hawk watching or volunteer with Hawkwatch International

Clean up a Utah waterway near you with Fish for Garbage
One of the easiest ways to help the wildlife of Utah thrive is to participate in a Fish for Garbage cleanup events at a river near you.
Does your organization have opportunities to engage Utahns in work to celebrate and learn about Utah wildlife? Submit a request to add the program.
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